在加州大学旧金山分校, we're committed to helping patients and their families make informed decisions about every aspect of their care. 这一承诺包括提供信息和资源, 比如财政援助和顾问, related to the potential cost of treatment at all our facilities, 包括我们在帕纳萨斯高地的加州大学旧金山分校医疗中心, 米逊湾和锡安山, 兰利波特精神病院和诊所.

除了, federal law* requires medical centers to publish online a list of standard charges for hospital items and services, 每年至少更新一次. 您可以点击下面以JSON格式查看我们当前的列表. This list was updated March 2023 to reflect changes made to standard charges.